Houston Texas Area Ve Exams Sites

The Clear Lake ARC hold its ARRL VE Exams the 2nd Saturday of each month at the Clear Lake Presbyterian Church, 1511 El Dorado Blvd. in Clear Lake. The CW exams are multiple choice. CLARC VE information

The Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club (BVARC) gives VE tests the second Tuesday of every month at 7pm at Strake Jesuit Prep School on Bellaire (Between Gessner and Corporate). Check-in is between 6pm and 7pm. They prefer that you pre-register by calling Cass Germany (KG5IT) at 682-6897. (These tests are ARRL and have fill in the blank for code).

There is another test session that has just started. It is the 4th Tuesday of every month (except this December, it will be the 3rd Tuesday) at the Red Cross building on Southwest Freeway tests begin at 7pm. You must be their prior to 6:45pm to check-in. For questions or to pre-register call Steve Spaniol, KK5GA, at 270-1504. (These tests alternate between W5YI and ARRL.

Ray Saenz, KE5DZ is giving W5YI VE exams down in the Galveston Co. area. He doesn't have a fixed date (yet). He gives them as people call up and need them also. His address is 506 Bluebonnet, LaMarque, TX 77568. PH# 409-935-1791.